This highly experiential workshop will draw on knowledge from the frontiers of neuroscience and clinical practice to help practitioners exert a powerful, mindful influence on their client’s conscious and unconscious experience. The way in which we embody ourselves is integral to our experience of others, and to others’ experience of us – our impact. The messages we send before we even open our mouths are the ones that clients respond to most directly and most powerfully. Becoming more aware of these messages means becoming more aware of our physical carriage: the timbre, pace, and pitch of our voice; the speed of our gestures; the engagement of our facial expressions; the ebb and flow of our breathing; and more. Awareness of these typically unconscious aspects of our physical presence allows us to experiment with them, to gain greater and greater skill with them, and to recruit them as powerful allies in our work. In addition, the body is an extraordinarily sensitive “register” of subtle events in the field. Attending to our own physical responses gives us a great deal of information about what’s happening in our environment and offers insight into a client’s reality that’s unavailable through direct questioning. This workshop will allow participants to understand and work with their embodied presence in new ways and to track their moment-to-moment physical awareness with growing precision. Using these foundations, participants will begin to build fundamental body-oriented observation and intervention skills.
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