If the basic human dilemma for all of us is: How to be connected to an other and maintain a self, then the western fusion model of marriage is the death knell to successful, nourishing relationships. Working with couples for over 45 years, the Resnick's have developed a connection model of coupling to replace the fusion model. “Two Become One, And Then There Are None”. How couples deal with difference (rarely what) is at the root of almost all couples issues. True to Gestalt Therapy, the Resnick's see difference as both separating and connecting. A five-day workshop with Bob and Rita Resnick including theory presentations, live demonstrations with real couples, hands on supervised practice - and a very good time on the beach in Portugal. All clinical work will be related to the theory and comparisons to other models of Gestalt Couples Therapy as well as EFT (both Greenberg and Johnson), Gottman, CBT, Imago, Postmodern, Systemic will be welcomed and discussed. Suitable for experienced couples therapists as well as therapists interested in learning how to work with couples. Grounded in field theory, phenomenology and dialogue – emphasizing process and awareness.
Link to more information: http://gatla.org/european-summer-residential/couples-therapy-training/
Organiser: www.gatla.org