Volume 32, 1 (2023)
Volume 32, 1 (2023)
Christine Stevens, PhD
Appreciations and Obituaries
Christine Stevens, PhD - Appreciations of Neil Harris and Sally Croft
Helen Kennedy - In memoriam of Robert William Resnick, PhD
Marie-Anne Chidiac - Fields of power: the moderation of relational moments
Joelle Gartner - Social class and Gestalt therapy: are we blind?
Christine Stevens, PhD - Becoming research practitioners: developing our research capacity as a Gestalt community
Miriam Taylor - The ecological self: narratives for changing times
In Conversation
Vienna Duff and Kristine Steensen - The practice of Gestalt: moving outside the therapy room
Frank-M. Staemmler - In response to Gianni Francesetti’s Atmospheres as media of transgenerational phenomena
Oksana Kovalova - War as a figure and ground: confessions of a Ukrainian Gestalt therapist in training