From time to time, we like to draw the attention of our site visitors to newly published material within the Gestalt field. During our recent Annual Seminar Day at Toynbee Hall, London, we caught up with Emily Skye who kindly agreed to talk to us about her newly published book 'Ours' (chipmunkapublishing, 2014) and Kathryn Morris-Roberts who reviewed the book in the 23.2 Volume of the BGJ published November 2014.
Emily Skye (left) and Kathyrn Morris-Roberts (right). Image Courtesy of the British Gestalt Journal.
"'Ours' is a poetry art book about personal and family recovery from child sexual abuse. My hope in writing it, is that it plays its part in opening up conversations, reducing the isolation surrounding sexual abuse, supporting recovery and protecting children now. I will not impose meaning upon these poems or even a lens through which to read them. Meaning is a process, ever changing and my understanding of the messages in the poems continues to unfold. They arrived with me as offerings, bringing hope and clarity when I most needed this. I treasure them as mine, but they do not belong to me. I share them gladly in the hope that they gently accompany you along your way. In the book I tell a little of my story, so that this can be read alongside the poems, not constraining or filtering their meaning, but simply offering some context of where they emerged in my life."
'Ours' is available to buy in paperback or e-book here
Emily Skye, MA, trained as a Gestalt and Integrative Child Psychotherapist. Following twenty years practice in health and social care, she has now turned her attention to writing, teaching and research in the field of mental health. She works for the Open University and freelance for Metanoia Psychotherapy Training Institute. She is an arts activist and fiction writer. She loves to sing, dance and walk her dog.