We are delighted to announce that British Gestalt Journal invited Steffi Bednarek to be guest editor for a special edition on climate change.
Central theme: The role of psychotherapy in a world in which the familiar is dying
It is an important time to be alive right now. In this consequential decade, we will either manage to turn the course that humanity is on around at the very last minute, or we will loose control of the climactic system and it will matter less and less what we do after that. Either way, change is upon us and familiar structures don’t offer all the answers.
We need to work out together:
What our profession has to offer in addressing climate change
How and where our skills can be of service
And where psychotherapeutic theories and practices may be entangled with a paradigm that cuts us off from the state of the world
In order to build networks of connections across disciplines, this call for submission is open across all psychotherapeutic modalities.
Steffi invited the psychotherapists Dr. Bayo Akomolafe, Sally Weintrobe, Francis Weller, and Mary-Jayne Rust to join her in a discussion around the main theme. The conversation covered some of the central questions the psychotherapeutic profession needs to face and may be of interest, even if you don’t plan to submit your own writing.
You can watch the recording here:
The discussion generated particular sub-themes for this call:
Anthropocentrism and child development
Individual and collective trauma
The dynamic relationship between the individual and the collective lens
The long shadow of colonialism and the inter-connected problems of our time
Therapy Training in a time when the familiar is dying
In the therapy room
Wider application of what therapists have to offer
We would appreciate for your submission to touch on one or several of these sub-themes.
If you are interested in submitting, please contact editor@britishgestaltjournal.com with your idea, summarised in no more than 250 words.
Please read our British Gestalt Journal submission guidelines before submitting.
Deadline for submissions: 1 July 2022