Keynote speaker Belinda Harris PhD. Image courtesy of the British Gestalt Journal.
The UKAGP's 2014 conference was held on Sunday 21st September at The Wesley, London, United Kingdom
Belinda Harris PhD delivered the keynote address 'From Surviving to Thriving in an Age of Austerity' which was followed by a panel discussion facilitated by Belinda, Billy Desmond, Di Hodgson, Gianni Francesetti, Malcolm Parlett & Beatrix Wimmer.
UKAGP AGM Presentation. Image courtesy of the British Gestalt Journal.
Comments from workshop attendees
"It was helpful for day-to-day practice, to reflect on your own practice and to focus on details that we tend to forget about. To look, for example. The workshop reflected the theme of the conference. I find it quite challenging to work according to Gestalt principles when you're being pressured into directive and interventionist types of work. These seminars can be helpful to get back to the roots and reflect on your own origins." (Andreas Weichselbraun on Jan Roubal's workshop 'Do our interventions help our clients, or do they help us?' )
" I found the topic interesting and quite challenging; to answer this question on a small moment in the therapeutic process..." (Beatrix Whimmer on Jan Roubal's workshop 'Do our interventions help our clients, or do they help us?' )
"The whole workshop inspired me: I liked that we didn't share our experiences, we weren't asked 'What do you feel?' - that isn't in the moment. It was about trusting in what is there, not always verbalising everything. What I also experienced was about not always taking the lead; to be there, with me..." (Barbara Pompe on Peri Mackintosh's 'Freeforming - Contact Meditation)
Jan Roubal and Beatrix Whimmer. Image Courtesy of British Gestalt Journal.
Other workshops included:
Judy Graham and Jenny Colls – Hidden Facets How do you challenge or collude with society’s expectations of you as a woman?
Tomaz Flajs – Working with Metaphors
Dieter Bongers, Guus Klaren, Nurith Levi – Yes we care! Gestalt therapy is more than a psychotherapeutic concept
Helen Rowlands – Filming Empathy
James Bailey & Simon Jacobs – Room For The Digital Void: How Do Practitioners And Our Client’s Engage with Social Media
Janice Scott – Trauma and the Integration of Emotional Freedom Technique in Gestalt Practice and Everyday Life
Jon Blend – More Musical Innovations: Putting the Hum back into Being Human!
Panel discussion: Malcolm Parlett and Jacqui Lichtenstern. Image courtesy of British Gestalt Journal.